Bite sized training in effective tactics to overcome false information

It’s been 4 years since Jess wrote ‘A Matter of Fact. Talking Truth in a Post Truth World’ – a book that came out of curiosity about why people believe false information and what works to overcome it. False information is unsettling, concerning and harmful. But the good news is that across our communities many of us are in the position to do something about it. Read Jess’s blog about new bite-sized False Information training

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Budgets and tax - how you talk about it matters

Budget day is coming up, and to be honest I find it a bit hard - and I suspect quite a few other people do too. All the talk about money and whether it is too much or too little and who the winners and losers are. It makes me feel like we have lost sight of the reason we have budgets: to help us build the kind of communities and society that are good for all people to live in. Read Jess’s blog about How to talk about budgets and tax for public good.

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Values framing and emotions: why sparking anger is ok if we end with hope

For many of us across different communities, living in a society that cares for people and the environment matters deeply. Right now, we know people are suffering, we know that we’re damaging the environment, and we know that it is so possible to fix. So why are our decision makers not taking sufficient action? It’s unjust. I feel so frustrated. Read Jess’s blog to find out more about why anger is okay and how values framing is important if we want to deepen people’s understanding about complex issues and build support for change.

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How we talk about Crime and Justice is key to creating long lasting change

Most people in Aotearoa want a future in which everyone is cared for and can live in ways that nurture our collective wellbeing. To make that future our reality, many of you are working to build a compassionate and fair criminal justice system, and to shift our shared focus and resources away from punishment toward prevention, restoration, accountability, community, whānau, wellbeing and care.

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Leading decision makers to climate action - public mindset shift is a key piece of the puzzle

Many of us know that we can still prevent climate induced weather events like this - we can stop them getting worse and more frequent. We also know that we can do effective work to ensure when these events do happen we withstand them better. We see just how much sense there is in allocating more resources now, to prevent worse outcomes later, and protect the people and places we love better than we have. 

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What's your narrative strategy?

Just like in our personal lives, the beginning of a new year is a great time to get really clear on the impact we want to have in the world. What are the changes you’re working towards that will make the biggest difference to people and the planet? Once you’re clear on what changes are needed you can focus on your narrative strategy. 

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