Changing the story on arts, culture, and creativity in Aotearoa, 2022.

Changing the story on arts, culture, and creativity in Aotearoa, 2022.
If you believe arts, culture, and creativity are central to a thriving Aotearoa, this guide is for you.
This guide is designed to help:
build public narratives that celebrate and support the role arts, culture, and creativity play in our lives
communicate what changes our sector and communities need to flourish.
This guide provides a framework and an approach to advocacy to build toward long-term change.
It offers evidence-based insights into the most effective ways to talk about the changes we want to see and traps to avoid. It’s designed to be used collectively — to strengthen, complement, and support the important work many in the sector are already doing.
This guide was made in partnership with Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa and Te Rōpū Mana Toi. It was developed with significant input from the arts, culture and creativity sector including The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi, Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi, Toi o Taraika Arts Wellington, and deep dives with Māori and Pacific knowledge holders.