A checklist for your COVID communications

We know how busy you are, and how hard it is to put all these COVID comms tips into practice as you rush to get your work done every day. So we made you a checklist that will quickly walk you through the key principles set out in our guide and help you apply them to your work. You can download the checklist here. 

When I first started studying the science of evidence-led communication, a lot of what I was learning went against my previous communications training and habits. Even when I was totally persuaded by the new evidence, I found myself falling back into old habits in my writing and communications. This was especially true when I had to produce things in a hurry. Press releases, urgent mass emails, social media posts. 

Despite my best intentions I would often look back at my work later and see how I had done exactly the things our research was telling us not to do. 

What helped me change that? 


I started to create checklists (also known as cheat sheets) for myself of all the key evidence-led communications principles as they applied to my work. I used them to remind myself of the things I wanted to emphasise, and avoid, in my communications. And it really helped.

You can download your COVID-19 Comms Checklist here. 

You can get our COVID-19 message guide and future emails like this by signing up using the form on this page.

Get in touch with Rachel@theworkshop.org.nz if you would like to talk to us about how we can help you with specific advice